Complex Care

Physician led Advanced Primary Care and Urgent Care. Our capabilities extend beyond normal Primary Care and Urgent Care.


Our providers will deliver care when you are ready.

Our Providers

Jeffrey Allgaier, M.D.
Larry Nye, PA-C
David Jones, M.D.
Andrea Munder, ARNP
Caleb Haws, D.O.
Adrian Perez, M.D.
Ryan Case, ARNP

Your Health Home

Physician led Primary Care

The need for high-quality physician led primary care without waiting to see a provider represents a large unmet need in our community. With board-certified physicians in internal medicine, emergency medicine, and family medicine leading our facility, one of our major goals is to fulfill this gap in care.

Advanced Urgent Care

A key benefit of our center is the ability to address urgent acute medical issues in a manner that extends beyond what primary care and urgent care facilities offer.

On-site Capabilities

We are equipped with diagnostic and treatment technologies like X-ray, ultrasound, laboratory services, continuous telemetry monitoring, cutting-edge remote monitoring capabilities, advanced procedures, procedural sedation, retinal imaging, ECG, spirometry, audiometry, and oxygen therapy. Our facility has over 200 on-site intravenous and oral medications. When multiple services are provided in a primary care setting, patients receive optimal care and pay

We also provide TCM, RPM and CCM

CCM is a method of caring for patients that allows the healthcare team, led by board certified physicians, to proactively manage and care for patients between traditional office visits using advanced technology. 

Chronic health conditions are managed more effectively, which results in healthier patients, decreased costs, improved quality of life, reduced stress, improved sleep, improved mobility, and less inpatient utilization.

RPM utilizes connected medical devices which allows us to work together with patients to monitor blood pressure, blood glucose, pulse, temperature, oximetry, respiratory flow rates, and more in a variety of settings, including patients’ homes. This enables our team to continually track necessary data to make adjustments that improve patient’s health. 

Rapidly identify urgent needs, prevent hospitalizations, shorten hospital length of stays, decrease patient anxiety, improve healthcare outcomes, improve patient engagement, enhance patient satisfaction, reduce healthcare costs, optimize relationships between patients and providers. 

Fragmented care happens when patients must navigate through a confusing and uncoordinated healthcare system. For patients to receive optimal care, they must spend time and money learning how to navigate a complicated system that consists of multiple different healthcare providers who often function in silos. Most healthcare in the United States is characterized by fragmentation. For example, primary care, urgent care, and other acute and chronic care are usually provided by separate providers in separate locations. Furthermore, even the best-intentioned primary care providers are often unable to see patients for weeks or months. Finally, when patients are eventually able to see their providers, the visits are often limited to 15 minutes. This means patients with complex medical conditions often do not receive optimal care.

1) Utilization of evidence-based Chronic Care Management with teams of healthcare professionals.

2) Providing primary care, urgent care and many other services at the same place with team-based care coordination.

3) Open 12 hours per day 7 days per week.

4) Significantly reduce delays in care.

5) Remote physiologic monitoring with patient data utilized by all team members.

TCM is a vastly underutilized essential aspect of healthcare that reflects care provided to patients promptly after hospital discharge. This ensures that the patient’s needs are being met during the fragile time between hospital discharge and outpatient care.

Reduced hospital readmissions, decreased hospital length of stays, significant saving of healthcare costs, decreased medication errors, improved medication adherence, enhanced patient satisfaction, seamless communication, improved quality of life, improved health outcomes.

We Also Provide TCM, RPM And CCM

Healthcare can be complex.  Regardless of the level of complexity associated with your care, Complex Care aims to simplify the entire healthcare experience.

Fragmented care happens when patients must navigate through a confusing and uncoordinated healthcare system. For patients to receive optimal care, they must spend time and money learning how to navigate a complicated system that consists of multiple different healthcare providers who often function in silos. Most healthcare in the United States is characterized by fragmentation. For example, primary care, urgent care, and other acute and chronic care are usually provided by separate providers in separate locations. Furthermore, even the best-intentioned primary care providers are often unable to see patients for weeks or months. Finally, when patients are eventually able to see their providers, the visits are often limited to 15 minutes. This means patients with complex medical conditions often do not receive optimal care.

1) Utilization of evidence-based Chronic Care Management with teams of healthcare professionals.

2) Providing primary care, urgent care and many other services at the same place with team-based care coordination.

3) Open 12 hours per day 7 days per week.

4) Significantly reduce delays in care.

5) Remote physiologic monitoring with patient data utilized by all team members.

TCM is a vastly underutilized essential aspect of healthcare that reflects care provided to patients promptly after hospital discharge. This ensures that the patient’s needs are being met during the fragile time between hospital discharge and outpatient care.

Reduced hospital readmissions, decreased hospital length of stays, significant saving of healthcare costs, decreased medication errors, improved medication adherence, enhanced patient satisfaction, seamless communication, improved quality of life, improved health outcomes.

CCM is a method of caring for patients that allows the healthcare team, led by board certified physicians, to proactively manage and care for patients between traditional office visits using advanced technology. 

Chronic health conditions are managed more effectively, which results in healthier patients, decreased costs, improved quality of life, reduced stress, improved sleep, improved mobility, and less inpatient utilization.

RPM utilizes connected medical devices which allows us to work together with patients to monitor blood pressure, blood glucose, pulse, temperature, oximetry, respiratory flow rates, and more in a variety of settings, including patients’ homes. This enables our team to continually track necessary data to make adjustments that improve patient’s health. 

Rapidly identify urgent needs, prevent hospitalizations, shorten hospital length of stays, decrease patient anxiety, improve healthcare outcomes, improve patient engagement, enhance patient satisfaction, reduce healthcare costs, optimize relationships between patients and providers. 

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